Kamis, 26 Maret 2009

Some BIG things

Anyonghaseo~ It’s me again!

 Kekeke, maybe y’all curious with : (1) I used “anyonghaseo” instead of “moshi”, and (2) I used “Kekeke” as a laughing action instead of LOL, fufufu or haha, but I DO had a reason for that :3

 And my reasons are:

 I started to love Korea more than Japan

  1. Jae Jin <3>
  2. I heard Jae Jin saying anyonghaseo@Youtube and I think he’s very cute when he saying that
  3. etc. kekeke~

 And yes, I love Korea now :3 and that’s all because of Jae Jin and FT Island. But that doesn’t mean I hate Japan now, I really love Japan—but I guess I love Korea more. Korean boys are extremely cute <3 st="on">Island and Jae Jin, so I gonna explain about it. FT Island is a group band of cute, fresh, and young boys (HongKi—vocalist, JaeJin—bassist, MinHwan—drums, JongHoon—guitar, piano, leader, and SeungHyuun—rap and guitar.) <3 st="on">Island’s member—he’s a bassist, and he’s cute, charming, and pretty. Their songs are good and pretty, of course. You guys should be hear their song! ;3

~ *~

 From wiki, I got this :

 F.T. Island (Korean: 에프티 아일랜), Five Treasure Island, or FTI, is the name of the band . The name F.T. Island stands for 'Five Treasure Island', each of the five members being a treasure. The band's official color is yellow, and their fans carry yellow flags known as "pentasticks." Their debut album, Cheerful Sensibility, was the sixth best-selling album of 2007 in South Korea.


 And I bring BIG news. It’s March 26th and it’s OH WON BIN BIRTHDAY! XDD (FYI, WonBin is a x-member of FT Island). He’s turning 19 now. Another BIG news: I use glasses now~

 Anyway, my friends said that I really alike to JaeJin kalo gw pake bando sama kacamata, here’s the pic :


Compare with 


 Kekeke, am I really alike to Jaejin? X3

 Back then,

 My friends said that I really similar to Rian – d’Masiv, and Imam – J-Rock, but… am I? XD

 Look at the pic :


 That’s me, of course. Tapi itu dulu :3 sekarang sih gw lebih dikenal dengan bando dan kacamata. Jaejin juga sering dikenal dengan penampilan macam gitu, dan sebagai fans dari Jaejin gw coba-coba stylenya dan nyatanya style Jaejin rly fits on me xD

 Ayo deh kalian kasih pendapat tentang sebagaimana miripnya gw sama Jaejin or maybe, artis lain yang juga mirip ama gw? :3

 Another news~

 Yesterday, I really got stressed with the big test and anotha’ thingy and school—bayangin deh, 2 ULANGAN DALAM SEHARI dan Seorang guru menjengkelkan dengan aksi sotoy dan gaptek dateng ke kelas kami yang tercinta dan tentram sebagai guru piket pengganti guru PKn yang—actually, galak juga =_=a. Gue sih jujur sukur-sukur seneng tapi mesem en melas karena guru PKn gw ga dateng, tapi nyatanya penggantinya tambah jengkelin. Uwaaah. Parahnya lagi, waktu gw ngerjain ulangan dadakan matematik + ulangan ga dadakan Fisika, gw pusing bangeet. Opkors gw ngerjain ulangan fisika dengan gampang karena uda rada tau, tapi buat yang matematik—err, idk.

 Segitu dulu deh buat hari ini, btw—selamat Hari Raya Nyepi buat yang merayakan :3 (I’m not). Dan Selamat juga buat OH WONBIN for your 19th birthday! XDD

 P.S. I <3>

 See ya!

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when we are dancing in the rain at 02.00
0 brave new world arrives